Beauty treatment
in 6 steps
THALAC offers you a complete and effective beauty treatment for the face and body for in-depth action and optimal results. The regular alternation of our cosmetic products (serums, creams, masks,) makes it possible to treat your skin problems and guarantee its beauty.
Step 1 – morning & evening
Cleansers & make-up removers
Essential step to rid the skin of accumulated impurities (pollution, micro-particles, dust) and make-up. The cleansing step makes the skin more receptive to the active ingredients.
Step 2 – Once a week
Exfoliation removes dead cells and impurities from the surface of the epidermis. The skin becomes smoother, and the complexion is more radiant. This step allows a better penetration of the active ingredients of the treatments that follow.
Step 3 – Once a week
There is nothing like a mask to take care of your skin. Each skin has its own mask, with a purifying action to rid your skin of small imperfections (dull complexion, shiny skin, blackheads, pimples), and a moisturising, nourishing, regenerating and anti-ageing action. Choose your mask according to the needs of your skin.
Step 4 – morning & evening
Highly concentrated in active ingredients, serums allow you to multiply the effects of your skin care cream. Thanks to their fluidity, they penetrate more deeply into the epidermis than a cream. The serum is chosen according to the desired objective: moisturising, lifting, anti-ageing…
Step 5 – morning & evening
Eye contour, lips and specific areas
The most fragile areas of the face and the first to be marked by the signs of time, they require special care to reduce puffiness and dark circles and delay the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
Step 6 – morning & evening
Face care creams
Essential to protect and regenerate the skin, they come in several textures (rich, light, creamy, gel …) adapted to each need (anti-aging, purifying, moisturizing, radiance …).
The first light that makes us beautiful
is the one we turn on ourselves.
Cécile Badel, THALAC General Manager